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David J Platt

Embrace each day with curiosity and be willing to get lost.



Over two decades of design experience interspersed with reflections on mental well-being has placed me on an exceptional journey. It is my belief, through innovative initiatives, we are each capable of achieving authentic self-expression enabling us to write a new narrative for a sustainable way of life.


Started in 2016, Bluecusp Creative is my own attempt at such an initiative to leverage the transformative potential of creativity for healing.


The purpose of Bluecusp Creative is to inspire an inner journey and exploration of ‘self’ through the visual arts and design, unlocking one’s creative potential for personal growth. I seek to collaborate with people and projects that explore, inspire and positively disrupt the status quo in the field of arts and therapy. With an intention to skilfully recalibrate the culture of creativity, I wish to share insights and inspiration gathered along my own journey.


At the heart of it is the concept of alchemy, a process of transforming the mundane and ordinary into something sublime and extraordinary. When our creative endeavour is infused with mindfulness and draws from self- discovery, we are better equipped at breaking limiting patterns and perspectives making our projects more meaningful to ourselves and the communities it serves.

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